MIFF 2013
Muscat International Folklore Festival was successfully executed by International Folklore Development Association with the sponsorship of Muscat Municiapality. This event hosted ten dance ensembles from around the world and 2 Omani traditional dance groups. Which is very notable about this festival that it is first of its kind to be held in the Sultanate and proved to be a big success. Talented groups, lovely audience, very good organization, all these added to the MIFF success. An International Folklore Festival had an international assistants team, who came from Brazil: Regis Bastian (President of FEBRARP ), from Austria: Anna Tellic (IFDA ), from UK: Viktorija Zujevajte ( IFDA team ), from Georgia: Tamar Kenia ( IFDA ) and from Serbia: Bosko Gajic ( IFDA executive)
Cuba was represented by Camagua dance ensemble from Havana. Camagua is the benchmark of Cuban culture. Being one of the most important ensembles of the country, it has professional status,with performances in more than 400 cities around the world. Director of the Group: Fernando Medrano Vireya, is one of the most talented choreographers of Cuba, specialized in Dance and Master in Theoretic Studies of Dance from the Superior Institute of Arts of Cuba. Some Rewards: Silver and Gold Award at Folkloriade de Dijon/ France. Oscar of Folklore for Music – Gorizia/Italy. Special Prize – Gorizia/Italy. Best Performance Award – Reims/France. Best Group – Izegem/Belgium.
Georgian Youth Folkloric Ballet “Egrisi” was found in 1995 in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. The founder of the group is Vladimir Pilishvili, former leading soloist of the National Ballet Company of Iliko Sukhishvili. The Art Leader and the Choreographer: George Pilishvili, a leading soloist of the State Folk Dance Group “Mamuli” of Ministry of Defense. Today Georgian Youth Folkloric Ballet “Egrisi” actively performs on the best, prestigious stages of Georgia, participates in numerous festivals in various countries in the world, is in constant creative search, developing traditions and being by one of the bright representatives of creative forces, paints of a rich folklore, dancing heritage of Georgia. The Ensemble has gained many diplomas and was several times given an official honor of laureate for the successful creative achievements that was highlighted by TV and radio in the native country as well as abroad.
Natya Dance is a major branch of Fine Arts. It can be considered as an embodiment of mythological, historical, cultural and sociological heritage and traditionally passed on to posterity. According to many scholars dance is considered to have the magical power that provides the source of happiness to people and nations around the universe. Bharata Natyam is considered to be the most faithful style in relation to the rules
enunciated in the “Natyashastra”, a treatise about drama, dance and music which was written around 2,000 years ago by the sage Bharata Muni, hence it is called Bharata Natyam. Bharata Natyam holds a prominent place in our culture today. Over the centuries, innovations and creativity has moulded it, without changing the original purpose and essence, into a spiritual, divine, and a meaningful addition to our society. So far as there is room for improvisations and imaginative interpretations, Bharata Natyam or classical dance as such, is a science in itself. Sage Bharata in his Natyashastra says that dance or Natya implies in it, the three forms of fine arts namely, Nataka, Natya and Sangeetha (Iyal, Isai and Natakam). The Natyashastra of Bharata is well-known as an encyclopedic work on different aspects of the theatrical arts, dance, drama and music. Bharata Natyam is the embodiment of music in its visual form. Bharata Natyam comprises three aspects, Nritta, Nritya and Natya. Nritta is rhythmical and has repetitive elements, i.e. it is dance proper Natya is the dramatic art, and is a language of gestures, poses and mime Nritya is a combination of Nritta and Natya Dances were presented:
1. NATYA VEDAM a unique presentation highlighting the origin of Dance and the 8 minutes cosmic dance of the Lord of Dance -Thandav of Shiva and Lasya of Parvati. The dance is full of intricate steps,beautiful poses and brisk rhythm.
2. SWAGATHAM KRISHNA different episodes of Lord Krishna like Ras leela, Kalinga Nardana.
3. NAVA RASA depicting the nine emotions with various scenes and wonderful expressions.
4. SHIV-SHAKTI the dance depicts Universal energy, the dance of Power and Energy. the dance also highlights the union of Shiva and Shakti.
5. KURATHI A Folk item from the South of India. It is a colourful dance of the gypsies with fast movements and beautiful rhythm.
The “Akragas Folk Dance Group” was founded by a group of young people, keen of popular traditions, with the mandate of researching, spreading and staging, the folkloristic, historic and cultural traditions of the Sicilian people. The costumes worn by the group members represent a well defined historical period that is the end of the nineteenth century. The musical instruments, the songs, the dances and the stagings instead embrace a greater historical period which includes: the Greek, Roman, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish and Norman dominations of the Island, all of which have molded, throughout the centuries,Sicily. The spectacle includes the following distinctive song, dance and music of Sicily , among which: FESTA IN CAMPAGNA (Veni ca Bedda) – (Song and dance) TARANTELLA – Tarantella native to Agrigento (Dance) MARRANZANATA – (Song accampanied by typical instrument “Marranzano”) POLKA SICILIANA – (Dance) MAZURKA – (Dance) VITTI ‘NA CROZZA – (Song) CIURI CIURI – Flowers Flowers (Song) CANTO DEI MIETITORI – Song of the harvester (Song) U CHIOVU – The nail (Dance) ABBALLATI ABBALLATI (Song and dance). JUNG JONGJIN NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY
Jung Jongjin National Dance Company was founded in 1995 by its Choreographer and Director Mr.JUNG YONGJIN and considered one of the best traditional dance ensembles in South Korea. Director of the group, Mr.JUNG YONGJIN, is Lecturer of Dance Department of SangMyung University as well as lecturer in Dance Department of MyongJi University. The aim of the company is to preserve the Korean tradition culture, spirit and beauty. Beside that ensemble brings much of innovative sprit and sense of beauty that is part of Korean Culture Company participated in numerous festivals around the world, as well as represented Korea in official ceremonies abroad.
The birthday of the Dance ensemble “Gorenka” is November 10, 1977. Since then, for 34 years it has created more than 80 choreographies or Russian Folklore dances and dances of peoples of Russia. From 2002 to 2006, the ensemble participated twice in the festival “White Acacia”, as well as twice in the High Fashion Festival held in Dalian (China). In 2006-07 it represented Khabarovsk on pre-Olympic week in Beijing. In 2007 participated in the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the city of Moscow. In 2007-08, a concert performed in Seoul (South Korea). In 2007 it took part in the International Festival in Osaka (Japan). The ensemble continues to actively participate in events held in the city and province as well as around the world. On the achievements of the ensemble can be judged on its creative growth. In 1996, 2000, 2003, 2005 Grand Prix winner of “International Festival of choreographic art of the Pacific “Rhythms of the Planet.” Twice is the Grand Prix winner in the interregional festival “Stars of Cupid.” In 2000, “Gorenka” participated in the first international Delphic Games in Moscow, took fourth place among professional and amateur teams. In 2004, awarded the title of “Best dance ensemble of Khabarovsk Territory.”
This company was created in 1986. At the beginning, we performed in squares and popularY streets at local celebrations, cultural events etc. In these performances the group interpreted the most typical Andalusia songs and dances. The group increased its artistic range and has been awarded with prizes for flamenco theatre. Luis Guerrero Perez is the manager and Carmen Guerrero and Jorge Gomez are choreographers of this group directed these creations. At the same time Jorge Gomez is the creator of all the group’s costumes. The group has realised more of 1000 performances in Spain and abroad.
YASMINE DANCE COMPANY Yasmine dance ensemble under the leadership of Saloua Kamoun the founder and the choreog rapher is more than a dance group- it is an academy that teaches dancing to all ages -be it modern or traditional. The group has participated since its creation in 1985 in many festivals –whether in Tunisia or outside it (Germany, France, Turkey, South Korea, Serbia, Italy, etc) and their shows have been met with great admiration. Dancers have very unique steps and movements due to their young age, motivation and skills instilled by their choreographer. Shows are inspired from the intangible cultural heritage of Tunisia and generally they tell a visual story. Just come to find out more about Yasmine Dance Group.
The popular dance ensemble Devchata has been founded in 1970. Since 1990 its leader is Larisa Toshcheva. The group successfully performed in the biggest cities of Russia, CIS, on best Moscow stages. Every year Devchata participate in international folk festivals in Bulgaria, Egypt, Italy, Turkey, UAE, Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal. The group was prize winner of domestic and international dance competitions. Devchata perform both traditional and modern dances. The repertoire consists of more than 70 pieces of various genres.
“AFTUD – Anatolian Folk Dance Group” owns a history of successes in Turkey and all over the world for more than 30 years, where they are representing Anatolian Culture and Turkish Republic in all kinds of performing arts, especially traditional dances. AFTUD is working on preserving the traditional rich cultural elements of Anatolia on universal standards, by using the most contemporary techniques, with children and adults. AFTUD already has around 130 dancers, 50 children and 80 adult including trainees at a social level, around 35. With the upcoming projects, AFTUD is aiming to embody musical and theatrical works on stage too. REPERTOIRE of ensemble is large, that includes dances from Adana, Ad?yaman, Ankara, Antalya, Bitlis, Denizli, Gaziantep, Kütahya, Trabzon and many others. Beside these regional folk dances, ensemble can present solo performances such as “A?uk-Ma?uk”, “ Zeybek” ,” Roman” ,” Hançer (Dagger) Show” and special productions from 5 to 60 minutes. After successfully finalizing this festival, the committee announced acceptance of applications for the MIFF 2014. All interested are invited to send their applications to [email protected]