India – “Bhartanatyam Dance Group”


Natya or Dance is a major branch of Fine Arts. It can be considered as an embodiment of mythological,historical,cultural and sociological heritage and traditionally passed on to posterity. According to many scholars dance is considered to have magical power that provides the source of happiness to people and nations around the universe.
“BharataNatyam” is considered to be the most faithful style in relation to the rules enunciated in the “Natyashastra”, a treatise about drama, dance and music which was written around 2,000 years ago by the sage Bharata Muni, hence it is called “BharataNatyam”.
“BharataNatyam” holds a prominent place in our culture today. Over the centuries, innovations and creativity has moulded it, without changing the original purpose and essence, into a spiritual, divine, and a meaningful addition to our society. So far as there is room for improvisations and imaginative interpretations, “BharataNatyam” or classical dance as such, is a science in itself. Sage Bharata in his Natyashastra says that dance or Natya implies in it, the three forms of fine arts namely, Nataka, Natya and Sangeetha (Iyal, Isai and Natakam). The Natyashastra of Bharata is well-known as an encyclopedic work on different aspects of the theatrical arts, dance, drama and music. BharataNatyam is the embodiment of music in its visual form.

BharataNatyam comprises three aspects, Nritta, Nritya and Natya.

Nritta is rhythmical and has repetitive elements, i.e. it is dance proper

Natya is the dramatic art, and is a language of gestures, poses and mime

Nritya is a combination of Nritta and Natya

Dances to be presented:


A unique presentation highlighting the origin of Dance and the 8 minutes cosmic dance of the Lord of Dance -Thandav of Shiva and Lasya of Parvati. The dance is full of intricate steps, beautiful poses and brisk rhythm


Different episodes of Lord Krishna like Rasleela, KalingaNardana


Depicting the nine emotions with various scenes and wonderful expressions


The dance depicts Universal energy, the dance of Power and Energy. The dance also highlights the union of Shiva and Shakti


A Folk item from the South of India. It is a colorful dance of the gypsies with fast movements and beautiful rhythm
