MIFF 2013
Muscat International Folklore Festival was successfully executed by International Folklore Development Association with the sponsorship of Muscat Municiapality. This event hosted ten dance ensembles from around the world and 2 Omani traditional dance groups. Which is very notable about this festival that it is first of its kind to be held in the Sultanate and proved to be a big success. Talented groups, lovely audience, very good organization, all these added to the MIFF success. An International Folklore Festival had an international assistants team, who came from Brazil: Regis Bastian (President of FEBRARP ), from Austria: Anna Tellic (IFDA ), from UK: Viktorija Zujevajte ( IFDA team ), from Georgia: Tamar Kenia ( IFDA ) and from Serbia: Bosko Gajic ( IFDA executive)
Cuba was represented by Camagua dance ensemble from Havana. Camagua is the benchmark of Cuban culture. Being one of the most important ensembles of the country, it has professional status,with performances in more than 400 cities around the world. Director of the Group: Fernando Medrano Vireya, is one of the most talented choreographers of Cuba, specialized in Dance and Master in Theoretic Studies of Dance from the Superior Institute of Arts of Cuba. Some Rewards: Silver and Gold Award at Folkloriade de Dijon/ France. Oscar of Folklore for Music – Gorizia/Italy. Special Prize – Gorizia/Italy. Best Performance Award – Reims/France. Best Group – Izegem/Belgium. Continue Reading